The people at Raspberrypi came out with their own touch screen display last week.
I picked one up to play with for the following reasons.
1) As an official product so I expect 100% support from most if not all OS distributions.
2) It doesn't use the HDMI port on the Pi.
3) Touchscreen! Python GUI already available via Kivy
4) Low power, I can use the same wall charger for both the screen and Pi.
I got the kit from MCM because they are a local company and shipping was cheaper than other resellers.
The unit is very nice. Assembly was easy enough following the video here. I do need to fabricate some brackets to mount it or better stand it up.
The only down side so far is the 800x480 resolution. If I design a touch interface this will not be an issue, but for a full desktop it is a tad cumbersome.
As with most posts time will dictate if/when I get to continue tinkering with this.